Hymne House of Lizania

Performance @ Ausstellung “House of Liz”
“GELEE ROYAL – Kongress der Potentaten”

Amphitheater Berlin

Corporate Design and Graphic Design of AMPHITHEATER Berlin, Print and web (2008-2012)

GARAGE D'OR - Familie Flöz

Creation of the animation videos, drawings and collages which become the set for the mask play in Garage D’Or.


Graphic Design of the visual media of TheatreFragile, international Company from Berlin, mask theatre and poetic engagement in public space.

Familie Flöz

Design of the visual Media of Familie Flöz, an international touring mask theater company based in Berlin, print and web design, video art work and production design of the theatre pieces.

Playing Cards - Familie Flöz

International Poker carddeck


Video art work and photo for a performative figure and object theatre

We meet in Paradise - TheatreFragile

Visual media of the actual piece – poster, booklet & social media items.

10 years of TheatreFragile

Showcase and party at the Mime Centrum Berlin, Künstlerhaus Bethanien.
On Tour: Wir treffen uns im Paradies
Graphic Art Direction – salzundhonig: The Design of TheatreFragile

TheatreFragile - the jubilee bag

TheatreFragile – Handle with care. With long handles. The bag with the charakters from all productions, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the company.